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GSO Test

GSO Test

Home Learning

Y6 – Blackman Class

Welcome to Blackman Class!

Meet the Teacher Presentation - click here. Our class timetable is here

Our class’ namesake is Malorie Blackman, who was born in Clapham. She has written many fantastic novels including Cloud BustingHacker and Noughts and Crosses. We will be dipping into these texts this year and would love for children and parents to let us know the ones they enjoyed reading together at home too.

Year 6 is the time when pupils begin to prepare for life after John Burns Primary School. Moving from primary to secondary school means that they will be expected to take a greater responsibility for their own learning and to become independent thinkers in their lives beyond the classroom. This year they will increase their independence, study and leadership skills through a range of opportunities including leadership roles, a residential visit and class projects. Learning expectations are very high as we prepare to send them off in July “secondary ready”. All of our Year 6 team want the students to love and enjoy their learning; as this is a very important year, expectations for attitude to study and general behaviour are very high.

This term our curriculum topic is “Against the Odds”, using survival stories to discover information about biomes in geography. Our 3Ps are: the Weddell Sea (place), where Ernest Shackleton's expedition became stranded in 1914; Tilly Smith (person), who saved 100 people in the Boxing Day Tsunami; and 1912 (point), when the Titanic sailed on her fateful maiden voyage.

PERSON: Tilly Smith

PLACE: The Weddell Sea

POINT: 1912

If you have any expertise or resources that may enrich our children’s’ learning and bring the past to life, please let us know. We would love to hear from you.

School Uniform and PE Kits

Our timetable includes PE on Tuesday afternoons (bring PE kit), and Music on Monday afternoons (bring any music issued). 


Children will have a range of options to choose from in their homework menu. Each week, one of these tasks will need to be completed along with a weekly maths task. Both of these need to be handed in every Wednesday. Year 6 will have a weekly spelling test every Friday. Spelling grids can be found in the back of children’s homework books.

If you have any questions or concerns, I will be out in the playground at the end of the day so come and see me, or leave a message at the office and I will call you back.

Thank you for all your help and support throughout this important year.

Mr Pell