Jewellery, Valuables and Personal Possessions
Lost Property
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child's name and encourage your child to take responsibility for their belongings.
We have a lost property box where children can search for 'lost' items.
The box is emptied at the end of each half term and all items remaining will be recycled.
Children should not wear jewellery (with the exception of watches) apart from a single or pair of gold or silver stud earrings. Each ear to have only one small earring stud.
The school cannot accept responsibility or liability for mislaid personal jewellery.
To help keep your child safe, earrings need to be removed for PE lessons. We suggest they are not worn at all on PE days.
We ask that parents delay getting their child's ears pierced until the start of the summer holiday.
Money should only be brought to school for school purposes (charity fundraising/PTA events). Please do not allow your child to bring money for any other reason.
We accept no responsibility for money in school.
Mobile Phones
Pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 who travel to and from school independently are permitted to bring a mobile phone to school.
The expectation is that pupils bringing in mobile phones must hand their phone in at the school office before registration and retrieve it at the end of the day. They are held in the school office for safe keeping.
Parents giving consent for their child to bring their mobile phone to school must complete and return a mobile phone permission form. It is made clear to parents that where they have given permission for their child to bring a mobile phone to school they do so entirely at their own risk. The school accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage whilst the device is on school premises.
Please click here to open/download a Mobile Phone Consent Letter.