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GSO Test

Home Learning


At John Burns Primary School, we believe that homework not only reinforces classroom learning, it also helps children and young people to develop skills and attitudes that they need for successful lifelong learning.  It should also support the development of independent learning skills, including the habits of enquiry and investigation, and it should help to foster the role of parents and carers as co-educators of their children. 

We believe that homework should be relevant, enjoyable and manageable.  We believe that homework facilitates the continuing development of the partnership between school and parents.  Additionally, we believe that homework should not cause conflict at home between parent and child and we would always encourage parents to approach the school for support should this be the case.

Reading Homework

There is an expectation on parents to hear their child ready daily at home to provide the skills of reading taught in school.  A reading diary is provided for parents to enable them to communicate to school any comments about their child’s reading practice.  These reading diaries are checked by the teacher.  The government’s Homework Guidelines states that:

All primary school age children should either read to their parents or carers, listen to them reading or, if they are fluent readers, read on their own for at least 10 to 20 minutes a day (Paragraph 20, page 9). 

Homework Expectations

We do not specify amounts of time that must be spent on a task, preferring individual children and families to set their own routines.  Individual teachers are happy to give advice.

Pupils in Year 1 – Year 6 are provided with a reading record, a maths homework book and an English/topic homework book. 

Homework books are bright green, laminated and printed with the school motto – Giving Our Best, Achieving Our Highest.  We expect that children to take pride when completing their homework, taking care over their presentation and keeping their homework books in good condition.

English/topic homework menus are provided for pupils in Year 1 – Year 6 at the beginning of each half term.  Pupils, with guidance from their parent, have the freedom to select and choose from ten activities.  One task is complete each week until the end of each half term. Work is completed in green English/topic homework books. 

Pupils in Year 1 – Year 6 are set weekly maths homework.  This will be linked to learning in class and is completed in green maths homework books.  A task strip or activity is stuck in your child’s book each week. 

For Year 6 pupils, revision for national tests counts as homework.  It is important that pupils bring in work for the class teacher to see as this will help inform where help or challenge can be given.  The school purchases revision guides for Year 6 pupils in preparation for KS2 SATs.  Revision guides could cover revision and practice in reading, maths or grammar, punctuation and spelling.     

Homework Routines 

Early Years

  • Daily reading – parents sign reading diary (5 times per week). 

Year 1

  • Daily reading – parents sign reading diary (5 times per week)
  • Weekly spelling list (10 spellings)
  • Maths task – set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday
  • English/Topic Homework Menu (Spring 1) – due in on a Wednesday.
  • Weekly spellings will be stuck into your child's English homework book. 

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

  • Daily reading – parents to sign reading diary daily.  Independent readers to write a daily comment (5 comments per week) 
  • Weekly times table test
  • Weekly spelling list (20 spellings)
  • Maths task – set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday
  • English/Topic Homework Menu (Spring 1) – due in on a Wednesday
  • Year 5 Spelling List (Spring 1) – our weekly spelling test is every Friday. 

Year 6