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GSO Test

GSO Test

GSO Test

Home Learning


Harrison Catering Services provide our school dinner service with a three-week rolling menu. Meals are prepared in our own kitchen and offer a choice of fresh, healthy cooked food. Meals meet the Government food based standards. 

School Meals - Menu

wandsworth menu flyer autumn winter 2024 2025.pdf

Parents must commit to either school dinners or packed lunches for half termly block. Changes may only take place from the beginning of a half term period.  


Children in school years Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible to receive a free school meal. There are no forms to fill out and you will not have the additional effort and expense of providing a packed lunch each day.  This equates to a saving of around £475 per year.  

Children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 classes will get a free school meal. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has stepped in to help families with the spiralling cost of living by ensuring every primary school child in London will receive free school meals in the next academic year (September 2023 to July 2024).   

Children in the Early Years Class, but Nursery age, will be charged for a school dinner. Meals are charged at £2.90. Some Nursery age families may be entitled to claim a free school meal. Free school meals are dependent upon financial circumstances and forms are available from the school office.   

The cost of a school dinner is £2.9per day. 


When paying please quote the reference as 'child's name - meals'. 

* Key: Part-Time Nursery: M/Tu = Monday and Tuesday and Th/F = Thursday and Friday.

If your child has a doctor's or dental appointment and will be arriving late, it is essential that you notify the school by 9:30am to ensure that a school dinner is ordered.  Similarly, if you will be collecting your child for an appointment, and a school dinner will not be required, please let us know. If the school dinner is not cancelled it will have to be charged to you. 

Packed Lunches

We are a Healthy School and as such we operate the traffic light system with regard to lunch boxes and what they should contain. The packed lunch should also include a bottle of plain water (not fruit juice of any kind).  Jugs and cups of water are always available to all children in the diner hall.

As part of our PSHE programme of work and in an effort to promote healthy eating amongst our pupils we are promoting the traffic light system to help the children to make healthy choices at lunchtimes.

You may well ask what does this mean?


Items to be eaten occasionally

Amber – Get Ready

Food that is good for you, but should be eaten in moderation.

This food group is important for energy, calcium and protein

Green – Go

Important for essential vitamins and to be eaten lots of

In their lunch boxes, we encourage the children to include lots of items from the ‘Green’ food list, some from the ‘Amber’ food list and one item only from the ‘Red’ food list. The children can be very inventive and with a little help they will make healthy choices whether they have hot dinners from our kitchen or healthy packed lunches prepared.

Red – 1 item only

Amber – several items

Green – unlimited

Plain Biscuits

Bread, Pasta, Rice


Plain Cakes

Cheese, Yoghurt






Sausages, Cooked Meats, Fish


* Banned items = Crisps, chocolate, sweets or pre-packed snacks such as lunchables, chocolate spreads, peanut butter and conserves (jam and marmalades).

Nut Free School

We are a nut free school and would like to remind parents and carers that we have children in school with severe nut allergies.

As you can appreciate, this can be life threatening should these children come into contact with any traces of nuts; this includes smelling or inhaling airborne nut particles.

To keep all our children safe, all forms of nuts or foods with traces of nuts must not be brought into school. Please can you ensure when you provide your child with a packed lunch that it does not contain any of these foods, in particular Nutella style chocolate spread.d Lunches

Children need a balanced diet with a good variety of foods to ensure that all their requirements for growth and development are met. The government has indicated that all school dinners must meet nutritional guidelines and these standards are met by the LA contractors (Harrison Catering Services). It seems only fair therefore, that we should attempt to make sure that packed lunches also meet the same criteria.ealty E

Environmental Health Inspection

 Dinner ladies Dec 2023

Congratulations to Mrs Da Silva and her team for excelling at our surprise visit from Environmental Health on Monday 4th December 2023. The full inspection looked at the schools compliance with food hygiene and food standards laws. Once again, the school kitchen secured the highest rating of 'Very Good.'