Ofsted Inspection
Ofsted - 2 Day Ungraded Inspection (27-28 June 2023)
John Burns Primary School continues to be a Good school.
Here are some of the reasons why:
- Pupils are proud to attend John Burns.
- Pupils are happy, polite and caring.
- Pupils are kept safe and feel safe because there are strong systems to support them if any problems arise.
- Pupils interact well together. At breaktime, they enjoy taking part in different activities.
- Pupils appreciate opportunities to take on leadership responsibilities within the school, such as prefects, sports mentors or anti-bullying ambassadors. These positions come with extensive training, meaning that pupils are very effective in their roles and make a real impact across the school.
- Pupils with SEND are supported to learn effectively. This is because teachers and support staff know them well and understand what helps them learn.
- There is a strong focus on pupils' personal development. Pupils learn to respect and value all faiths and cultures.
- The school values are known and understood by all.
- The school is well led. Leaders, including those responsible for governance, recognise the school's strengths and have identified appropriate areas for improvement.
- Leaders have worked hard to build a united community.
- Staff and leaders know the community well.
- Leaders work closely with pupils to help them understand how to stay safe in public places and maintain healthy lifestyle choices.
- Leaders have created an environment where staff are happy in their work. Staff recognise the extensive initiatives in place to manage workload and well-being.
Click here to read the Ofsted report.
Ofsted Remote Visit to John Burns Primary School (19 November 2020)
Ofsted visits to schools are not inspections and do not result in graded judgements.
Click here to read the letter.
Ofsted - 2 Day Inspection (10-11 Janaury 2018)
Here are some of the reasons why:
- The new headteacher, ably supported by other leaders and governors, is ambitious to improve the school. From the very start, he has identified areas of the school’s work that need improvement. Plans are carefully considered and are already making an impact on pupils’ outcomes.
- All leaders give priority to improving the quality of teaching. They recognise that there is some outstanding teaching in the school and that there is more to do before all teaching is outstanding. Leaders provide effective support for those who need it.
- Through their drive for improvement, leaders have raised pupils’ outcomes throughout the school. Progress is now strong in all year groups. Governors effectively hold leaders to account for pupils’ outcomes.
- Leaders and governors are improving the curriculum. They recognise that there is more to do to ensure that all subjects make the same strong contribution to the curriculum.
- Teaching is good overall and there is outstanding practice in the school. Pupils are clear about what they are going to learn. Adults provide tasks that challenge pupils to make good progress and learn well. Pupils with different starting points make good progress.
- The good teaching promotes reading skills well, inspiring pupils with a love of reading. Leaders recognise that pupils’ spelling skills are weaker than their reading skills and other aspects of their writing skills. Leaders accept that more consistent strategies are needed to improve spelling.
- Pupils are looked after well in this caring school. Adults know all the children. The school is a harmonious environment.
- The school is a safe place. There is a strong culture of safeguarding. Pupils are given the information they need to keep themselves safe.
- The school promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development successfully. Pupils receive emotional support that helps them to build resilience. Pupils respect others from all faiths and heritages. They have a strong understanding of the importance of fundamental British values.
- The Nursery and Reception classes are happy places where children have plenty of opportunities to learn a range of language, number and social skills. Adults are caring. They keep the children safe. There is effective communication with parents and carers. Children are given the skills they need to move confidently into Year 1.
Click here to read the full Ofsted report.