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School Prefects

At John Burns we believe that prefects have a very important role to play in the day to day organisation of our school and as only Year 6 pupils are allowed to apply for this position, it is considered to be very prestigious.  

Prefects are, in a sense, junior members of staff and are expected to take their role seriously.

The position not only allows the Year 6 pupils to lead by example and demonstrate their responsibility, it also enables the younger children to learn from a good example.

Every prefect has to apply for the job and their applications go through a selection process. Whilst the School Council members are chosen democratically by children, the senior staff identify and encourage suitable children to apply for a prefect position.

Once their application has been successful, prefects are awarded badges in a whole school assembly and also given a prefect badge to wear.

John Burns prefects must lead by example at all times in their behaviour, the respect they show to others and their school uniform. They take on many roles and have many responsibilities, such as:

  • Helping to set up the hall for assemblies and managing the audio and visual features in assemblies
  • Contributing to the school newsletter
  • Encouraging children to walk up and down the corridors and stairs calmly and quietly
  • Working with classes during wet break times
  • Showing visitors around the school
  • Opening and closing school community events, e.g. Harvest Festival/Prize Giving Evening
  • Assisting with PTA events
  • Improving the school grounds and recycling

The Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl meet with the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher regularly to discuss school developments. 

Prefect Newsletter 

Take a look at our fortnightly pupil newsletter: 

Pupil Podcast 21/12/23

Pupil Podcast - 28/03/24

Pupil Podcast - 19/07/24

Pupil Podcast - 20/12/24

Prefect Team 

The Prefect Team is as follows:

Head Boy – Hugo Burrows

My name is Hugo and I am Head Boy. I have been a pupil at this school for 7 years and my favourite subject is art as you can be really creative and experimental with your ideas.

As well as being a Prefect, I am also an Anti-Bullying Ambassador. I enjoy this role as I have the chance to make the school a better place.

My favourite trip during my time at the school was the Year 3 trip to Stonehenge.

I am looking forward to working with the new Prefect team this year.

Head Boy - Troy Olusegun 

My name is Troy and I am Head Boy. I have been a pupil at John Burns for 7 years and my favourite subjects are English and DT.

I am looking forward to being Head Boy and I am also an Anti-Bullying Ambassador. In these roles, I am able to help others and complete training days around anti-bullying and mental wellbeing.

My favourite trip at John Burns was the Year 4 Astronights overnight stay at the Science Museum because we completed lots of space-related activities there.

Outside of school, I enjoy playing football.

I am looking forward to being a Prefect this year as we get to organise school events and create our own Pupil Newsletter.

Deputy Head Boy - Elijah Richards 

My name is Elijah and I am Deputy Head Boy. I have been a pupil at John Burns for 7 years and my favourite subject is English because I like to show my writing skills.

I am also a Digital Leader and have been on trips to the National Army Museum as part of this role.

My favourite trip during my time at John Burns was the Year 4 overnight stay at the Science Museum.

Outside of school, I enjoy playing football.

I am looking forward to being a Prefect this year as I have the opportunity to help others.

Deputy Boy – Harry Bick

My name is Harry and I am Deputy Head Boy. This year, I am excited to develop my leadership skills in this role.

I have been a pupil at the school for 7 years and my favourite subjects are PE and English. This is because I get to improve my writing and develop my stamina across different sports.

I enjoy being a pupil leader and am also a Digital Leader. Last year, I took part in an Apple Showcase event at Battersea Arts Centre where I had to step out of my comfort zone and take on the challenge of public speaking.

Outside of school, I enjoy playing football with my friends.

I am looking forward to being a Prefect this year because I think I will be a really good team player.

Deputy Head Girl - Daria Angelova 

My name is Daria and I am Deputy Head Girl. I have been a pupil at John Burns Primary School for 7 years and my favourite subjects are English and art because I have a special interest in creative work.

I am also a Reading Ambassador and enjoy my role as a pupil leader in the school, taking responsibility and showing the school values.

My favourite trip from my time at the school was the overnight stay at the Science Museum in Year 4. I found all of the activities really interesting!

Beyond school, I enjoy listening to music and spending time with my kitten.

I am looking forward to being a Prefect this year because I want to help others whenever I can.

Daniel Phiri-Okubadejo 

My name is Daniel and I am a Prefect. I have been a pupil at John Burns Primary School for 7 years and my favourite subject is science. We recently made a periscope in science lessons!

I am also a Digital Leader and enjoy this because I have learned about robotics. My favourite trip was to the National Army Museum with Prefects!

Outside of school, I enjoy playing with my friends.

I am looking forward to being a Prefect this year because I can make a difference to the school.

Samir Gayle 

My name is Samir and I am a Prefect. I have been at the school for 7 years and my favourite subject is art because I am good at sketching and like creating things. Last year, I created a variety of digital art pieces on the iPad as part of the Battersea Project.

My favourite trip at the school was the overnight stay in Year 4. It was amazing to stay in a museum!

This year, I am really enjoying visiting Emanuel each Friday for Primary Ambitions.

I am looking forward to making the school a better place in my role as a Prefect.

Nyla Lyn-Meer

My name is Nyla and I am a Prefect. I have been a pupil at the school for 7 years. My favourite subjects are PE and maths. I also enjoy playing video games with my friends.

I am enjoying being a pupil leader. If younger children want to be a Prefect in the future, I will be their role model.

My favourite trip from my time at the school was the trip to the Science Museum where we were able to stay overnight.

I am looking forward to being a Prefect this year as I can set an example to others.