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GSO Test

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School Development Plans need to be specific and challenging and they need to address changes in the world around us or perceived weaknesses in our provision.

They include specific action points which have already been agreed, but at the other end of the scale they also include matters for further research and investigation.

You will see in our School Development Plan the key priorities we have identified for the 2023/2024 year. As you look through the plan, you will see targets and actions for each priority.

Priorities will be monitored and evaluated throughout the academic year.

school development plan 2023 24.pdf

 We have outlined the following priorities:

Priority 1 - Quality of Education

  • To ensure the full (and effective) implementation of our curriculum intent so that all pupils develop secure skills, knowledge and understanding, across subjects, and achieve well.
  • To ensure that leaders provide relevant and appropriate CPD so that all teachers have the depth of subject knowledge to deliver a high-quality curriculum.
  • To ensure that teachers use assessment effectively in foundation subjects to inform their future teaching.
  • To develop teachers’ knowledge of skills progression outside of their year group and key stage.
  • To raise the achievement of the bottom 20% of pupils across the school.
  • To ensure that there are well planned writing opportunities, in a range of genres, mapped out across the curriculum.
  • To improve outcomes in maths for all children across the school.
  • To increase the percentage of pupils achieving greater depth in writing.

 Priority 2 - Leadership and Management

  • To ensure effective and robust safeguarding processes are in place across the school.
  • To further develop subject leadership so that subject leaders have a demonstrable impact on improving standards in the subjects that they are responsible for.
  • To develop systems around self-evaluation and action planning.
  • To improve the effectiveness of the governing body so that governors have an accurate understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • To provide appropriate training and development for new and future leaders. To ensure that staff feel well supported and can manage workload.
  • To have more established partnerships with other schools that enhance the provision for our pupils and families.

 Priority 3 - Personal Development

  • To develop the wider curriculum/enrichment activities to ensure pupils have access to a wide range of inclusive opportunities within and beyond the taught and planned curriculum.
  • To provide pupils with meaningful opportunities to take on leadership roles across the school.
  • To improve pupil understanding of different faiths and places of worship and accept and celebrate diversity.
  • To develop mental health and well-being awareness for staff and pupils.
  • To further develop the transition experience for new pupils.

 Priority 4 - Behaviour and Attitudes

  • To set high expectations for behaviour and conduct around the school.
  • To improve the standard of presentation of work.
  • To improve attendance across the school and reduce the percentage of persistent absence.
  • To promote the British Values of tolerance and respect.
  • To promote a culture of anti-bullying within the school.

 Priority 5 - Early Years Foundation Stage

  • To implement a revised EYFS topic curriculum.
  • To provide purposeful, enticing and well planned indoor and outdoor learning environments.
  • To adopt the Forest School approach to support outdoor learning in FS2.
  • To develop robust and quality assessment of our EYFS pupils.