Y2 – Grey Class
Welcome to Grey Class!
Welcome to Spring term! Our timetable can be seen here.
We begin the spring term by immersing ourselves into the exciting world of the Romans. Our topic is Layers of London which will dive into the history of the Roman empire, the Tudors and the Stuarts. We will continue to develop our geographical understanding of maps and countries outside of the United Kingdom. In science, we will continue investigating materials and their properties before moving onto the wild world of living
Our ‘3Ps’ for this topic are:
PLACE: Londinium
POINT: 1603
In English, our selection of fantastic stories continues to allow us to practice our narrative writing and continue to cover the grammatical features of the Year 2 curriculum. This term, the books we are reading in English are Lila and the Secret of Rain and Handa’s Surprise.
We love reading in Year 2 and encourage the children to read every day, with the expectation that their reading record is signed five times a week. We will continue to develop our math’s skills, in particular securing written methods for the four operations and continuous work on number including fractions. We will also develop our understanding of money and shapes.
School Uniform and PE Kit
Please ensure that all school uniform, including PE kit, is clearly labelled so that missing items are returned. PE is on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. This term, the children will take part in fencing and tennis sessions as a part of their PE lessons. Please also encourage your child to get dressed independently at home, which will help them when changing in school.
Homework will be set on a Friday and will consist of a weekly Maths task reflecting the learning for that week and another task chosen from the selection of 10 homework tasks on the homework sheet page. This can be found in the children’s homework books. Alongside this, there will be weekly spellings and we expect all children to read at home daily for at least 10 minutes. Please remember to sign their reading record to show that this has been completed.
If you need to talk to me about anything regarding your child, please do not hesitate to contact me either via the school office or at the end of the day.
About Me
I am from Cardiff, in Wales, and have recently moved to London. I studied Psychology at the University of Warwick and completed my PGCE at University College London. I have experience teaching in both mainstream and SEND schools.
During my spare time I enjoy reading and spending time with my family and friends. I am passionate about art and enjoy musicals – my favourite is ‘Wicked’
Miss Hudson