Here are the people who make up our Senior Leadership Team (SLT):
Mr B Grogan | Headteacher | NPQSL | Designated Safeguarding Lead, Assessment, Computing Lead and Art & Design Lead
Deputy Headteacher:
Mr L Campbell | Deputy Headteacher | NPQSL | NASENCO | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Curriculum, Maths Lead, History Lead, Music Lead and MFL Lead
Assistant Headteacher:
Miss D Buckley | Assistant Headteacher | NPQLL | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, English Lead
Inclusion Leader:
Vacancy | Inclusion Leader | SENCo/LAC/EAL/PSHE Lead and Relationships Education Lead
Senior Leader:
Mr J Pell | STEM Senior Leader/Class Based | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Science Lead and DT Lead
School Business Manager:
Mrs M Buckley | School Business Manager | Finance, Personnel, Premises and Governance