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Headteacher's Welcome

A very warm welcome to John Burns Primary School.

John Burns Primary School is a one-form entry school in Battersea. 

As parents and carers you are the most important people in your child’s life and we are committed to working together to support each other in making sure that your child gets the best education possible.

Our school motto of: ‘Giving our Best, Achieving our Highest’ is at the heart of everything we do in school and together with parents, carers, governors and the local community, each and every child is encouraged to follow this principle.

Our school values underpin our school ethos:

We are very proud of our school and everyone has a part to play in its success. It has wonderful grounds, is very well resourced and has excellent staff who use their expertise to extend the learning experiences of all pupils both in the classroom and in a range of extra-curricular clubs, trips and activities.

Ofsted (June 2023) said:

Pupils are proud to attend John Burns. Leaders have worked hard to build a united community. They have created an exciting environment, full of opportunities for learning, collaboration and play. Pupils are kept safe and feel safe because there are strong systems in place to support them. 

We hope that you will find the website informative and helpful in providing you with a genuine feel for our happy and successful school.

If you would like to see what is happening at our school on a day-to-day basis you can find us on Twitter: @JBprimaryschool

Please do come and see us in action. No website can convey the full picture of school life, so I invite you to come and visit the school and see for yourself. I will be more than happy to meet you and answer any questions you may have.

Visits can be arranged through the school office. We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Mr Brian Grogan
