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GSO Test

Home Learning

Y4 – PULLMAN Class

Welcome to Pullman Class!

Our class timetable is here

I’m Miss Ellard, and I’m so excited to be your teacher this year! I believe that each one of you has a unique and incredible potential, and my goal is to help you discover and develop your talents in a kind, inclusive, and supportive environment. I’m committed to making sure each of you feels valued and understood.

Throughout the year, we will explore interesting topics through our ‘3Ps’ curriculum: Person, Place and Point. Our topic for this term is “Beneath the Surface”. During Spring 1, Year 4 will focus on the following:


Our ‘3Ps’ for this topic are:

Person: Greta Thunberg

Point: 2047

Place: The Mariana Trench

This term, our class books for English are ‘The Last Bear’ by Hannah Gold and ‘The Ice Palace’ by Robert Swindells.



A homework task and a maths task will be given out every week to be returned and checked the following Wednesday.

As well as a homework task, the children are expected to read at home to an adult for 15 minutes every day. It would also benefit your child if you read to them during this time. This will be checked daily through the children’s reading records. 

In Year 4, children must learn their spellings. Spellings will be tested weekly. Please ensure your child is practising these at home.

School Uniform and PE Kits

PE lessons will take place on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please ensure that your child has the appropriate PE kit and that all uniform is clearly labelled

About me:

I enjoy being a teacher and feel very passionate about helping others! English is my favourite subject to teach because I believe that language opens up endless possibilities. I’m also passionate about teaching Geography and RHE (Relationships and Health Education) because I think it’s so important to understand the world around us.

When I’m not teaching, I like to read. One of my all-time favourite books is Varjak Paw. I’m also very active and enjoy sports – I play netball regularly and love to go for a run when I have some free time.

I am always willing to support you and your child – please do not hesitate to catch me at the end of the day or contact the school office to arrange a meeting.



Miss Ellard