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GSO Test

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The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go – Dr. Seuss

Curriculum Intent

At John Burns Primary School, our intent is to:

  • Recognise that reading is the core skill to everything that children do. It is integral to our school curriculum and a fundamental life skill that impacts on the acquisition of knowledge.
  • Develop fluent, independent and reflective readers who are confident to talk about books and authors.
  • Develop a consistent approach to reading across KS2.
  • Develop children’s skills in both word reading and comprehension.
  • Encourage children to become enthusiastic and reflective readers through contact with challenging and lengthy texts.
  • Provide strong reading provision to develop children who read independently for pleasure and purpose.
  • Enable children to access a variety of high-quality texts that are engaging and exciting.  Enable children to appreciate their literary heritage and their own place in the modern world. 

Curriculum Implementation

At John Burns Primary School:

  • Reading is taught in daily 30-minute sessions following the Destination Reader programme. Each session combines metacognitive approaches with explicitly taught learning behaviours to promote purposeful, independent reading. Children focus on a different reading strategy each week.
  • Two sessions a week are dedicated to teaching children the weekly reading strategy. In these sessions, teachers will recap or introduce a text, context and vocabulary, model the strategy through think aloud and talk partner discussion, and check for understanding through oral or written assessment.
  • Two independent reading sessions a week provide children with the opportunity to apply their learning to their own choices of text. Children practise the weekly reading strategy through using their language stem bookmarks and discussing their reading with other children.
  • One lesson a week is dedicated to developing children’s reading comprehension. These ‘Big Picture Lessons’ encourage children to use a variety of strategies, known as CLEAR, to answer questions around seen and unseen texts.
  • During sessions, all children are expected to participate by listening and responding, making use of language stems in bookmarks to guide their discussion of literature.
  • Texts to develop reading skills are well-chosen to ensure they link to wider curriculum themes and develop children’s comprehension skills.
  • Books in the reading corner are linked to CLPE and Destination Reader texts to encourage children to independently read around whole class texts.
  • Children are expected and encouraged to read at home every day. Reading diaries log reading activity, including pages read.   
  • Effective CPD is available to staff to ensure high levels of confidence and knowledge are maintained.
  • To support the teaching of reading and comprehension teachers access a range of Destination Reader resources and training tools.
  • Assessment is informed by observations during Destination Reader and Big Picture sessions, verbal feedback and teacher assessment against National Curriculum statements.
  • Summative judgements (Working Towards/Working At/Working Above age-related Expectations) are recorded each term, discussed at pupil progress meetings and in end of year reports for all KS2 pupils.
  • At the end of KS2 pupils will sit Reading SATs papers. These results will be used to validate teacher-assessment judgement in Reading (Working Towards/Working At/Working Above age-related Expectations).
  • A love of reading is promoted through: vibrant and inviting book corners in classrooms, daily 15-minute Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) sessions, staff sharing a story with the class at the end of each day and through regular library visits.
  • Whole school themed events raise the profile, as well as promote a love of reading, e.g. National Poetry Day and World Book Day.
  • Effective use of author visits (in-person and virtual) are planned, to enrich and enhance learning experiences and to develop children’s cultural capital in reading. 

Curriculum Impact

At John Burns Primary School, our pupils will:

  • High levels of engagement in reading sessions and improved independence when reading.
  • Increased motivation to read for pleasure. Children enjoy reading and can link their reading with their own cultural experiences and the wider world.
  • A richer vocabulary and the tools to engage in more meaningful dialogue around books.
  • High aspirations, which will see them through to further study, work and a successful adult life.